9th Annual CAAVCon Conference
Join us for our 9th Annual CAAVCon, held at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. More info coming soon!
The CAAV, the Campus Alliance for Advanced Visualization, is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that promotes the effective use of large-format visualization displays, such as CAVE-style immersive systems and tiled panel displays, as well as advanced visualization software. We strive to promote the uses of such hardware and software by fostering academic-style open expression and discourse among those who work in advanced visualization.
Interested in becoming a member? Fill out the membership form below!
The primary benefit to members of THE CAAV emanates from the members of the community themselves, through the sharing of ideas and concerns important to the operation of advanced visualization facilities. On an ongoing basis, THE CAAV operates a slack channel for members to ask and answer questions and share other ideas. one day each month (the 10th) is promoted as a day when a higher percentage of members can connect and thus have more lively back and forth discussions. Annually, THE CAAV hosts a conference where members can give presentations, participate on panels, and informally converse face to face to learn about what's taking place as similar (or dissimilar) facilities around the world.
Please feel free to make contact with THE CAAV